Efficiency factor — Efficiency factor: In data communications, the ratio of (a) the time to transmit a text automatically at a specified modulation rate to (b) the time actually required to receive the same text at a specified maximum error rate. All of the… … Wikipedia
Maximum sustainable yield — In population ecology and economics, maximum sustainable yield or MSY is, theoretically, the largest yield (or catch) that can be taken from a species stock over an indefinite period. Fundamental to the notion of sustainable harvest, the concept… … Wikipedia
Maximum power principle — in Energy Systems Language adapted from Odum and Odum 2000, p. 38 The maximum power principle has been proposed as the fourth principle of energetics in open system thermodynamics, where an example of an open system is a biological cell.… … Wikipedia
Maximum throughput scheduling — is a procedure for scheduling data packets in a packet switched best effort communications network, typically a wireless network, in view to maximize the total throughput of the network, or the system spectral efficiency in a wireless network.… … Wikipedia
Maximum likelihood — In statistics, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a statistical model. When applied to a data set and given a statistical model, maximum likelihood estimation provides estimates for the model s… … Wikipedia
Maximum transmission unit — In computer networking, the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a communications protocol of a layer is the size (in bytes) of the largest protocol data unit that the layer can pass onwards. MTU parameters usually appear in association with a… … Wikipedia
Maximum spacing estimation — The maximum spacing method tries to find a distribution function such that the spacings, D(i), are all approximately of the same length. This is done by maximizing their geometric mean. In statistics, maximum spacing estimation (MSE or MSP), or… … Wikipedia
Spectral efficiency — Spectral efficiency, spectrum efficiency or bandwidth efficiency refers to the information rate that can be transmitted over a given bandwidth in a specific communication system. It is a measure of how efficiently a limited frequency spectrum is… … Wikipedia
Exergy efficiency — (also known as the second law efficiency or rational efficiency) computes the efficiency of a process taking the second law of thermodynamics into account.MotivationFrom the second law of thermodynamics it can be demonstrated that no system can… … Wikipedia
Symbol rate — In digital communications, symbol rate (also known as baud or modulation rate) is the number of symbol changes (waveform changes or signalling events) made to the transmission medium per second using a digitally modulated signal or a line code.… … Wikipedia
Heart rate — is the number of heartbeats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate can vary as the body s need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide changes, such as during exercise or sleep. The measurement of heart… … Wikipedia